Sarnico: An Exhilarating and Fun Vacation in the town of Italy
Sarnico, Italy is a municipality under the Bergamo Province, Lombardy Region, Italy. The municipality has an area of 2.57 sq. mi with a population of 6,631.
Best Time to Visit
In planning your vacation, always consider the weather. Tourist visits the most between June and August to enjoy the festival and weather of the place. By contrast, tourists visit less around September and November because of the weather. You can also, visit around March or May where you can find great deals for your vacation. There are many choices in booking the Sarnico hotels for accommodations. One of the well-known events that attract many tourists is the Sarnico Busker Festival. A hundred and fifty artists with 200 performances of aerial acrobats, puppetry, and cirque nouveau are organized for the event.
What to Do & Area Attractions
You can spend some time at the water by visiting Lido Nettuno, a park around Lake Iseo where stalls of food are also present if you got hungry from swimming. Lido Fosio is also a perfect place for a picnic while enjoying the picturesque view of a lake. Cocca Hotel Royal Thai Spa is a 4-star hotel that offers voguish rooms and suites with a lake view. Other hotel amenities include a pool, a spa and a restaurant all for a reasonable price. While the Hotel Sebino offers unpretentious rooms with balconies and lake view, a bar and a customary Italian restaurant with wine cellar all for a reasonable price.